LACAC uses a series of documents of diverse categories and nature in its work. With the purpose of facilitating access for the member States and the general public, the documents with the utmost importance for the Latin American Civil Aviation are published here.
The Commission’s Assembly approves decisions classified as:
Resolutions: The Resolution is a formal expression of a decision adopted by LACAC’s Assembly that implies an individual action of the member States as a consequence of it.
Recommendations: The Recommendation is a decision made by LACAC’s Assembly directed to its member States that includes actions or procedures to be executed individually. Its approval on behalf of each Government will confirm its disposition to apply it within the limits of the national legislation.
Conclusions: The Conclusion is the formal result of agreement or disagreement on a work matter expressed by LACAC’s Assembly.
Compendium of Decisions (Updated as of December 2023)
Lima Declaration (attached to this compendium by virtue of RES A-16-1)
ResA07-02: Information collection related to the operation of international services. 1986
ResA12-11: On the optimal use of available resources to achieve the regional integration of Latin American Civil Aviation. 1996
ResA15-01: Agreements Reached by the Ministers of Transport and Aeronautical Authorities of Latin America. 2002
ResA15-03: Coordination between air transport and tourism as a strategy within the frameworks of Latin American integration. 2002
ResA15-09: Passenger tariff regime. 2002
ResA15-19: Protection of the international regular public air transport service. 2002
ResA16-19: Guidance on the application of article 83 bis of the convention on international civil aviation in lease agreements, aircraft exchanges in the region. 2004
ResA17-01: Strategy to implement a “Regional air transport integration system”. 2006
ResA19-03: Multilateral open skies agreement for the member States of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission – Possibility of early application and act (Last Update 19/12/2017). 2010
ResA19-07: Criteria and guidelines for developing an aeronautical development plan. 2010
ResA20-03: Model of “Integrated Statistical System”. 2012
ResA20-27: Guidelines for handling reservations (formulation, acceptance, and objection) in the multilateral open skies agreement for the member States of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission. 2012
ResA21-05: Coordination and collaboration guide between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission – LACAC and the International Air Transport Association – IATA, for the conduct and delivery of studies on the economic contribution of air transport in the economies of LACAC Member States. 2014
ResA23-01: “Criteria and Guidelines on Air Transport Policy”. 2018
ResAE06-01: Protection of Consumers in the Air Transport Industry. 2020
ResAE06-03: Provides for measures to balance consumer protection and the financial sustainability of airlines during the pandemic established by the WHO. 2020
ResA24–01: Recommendations on support measures for commercial aviation in the region as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. 2022
ResAE7-01: Statistical program of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC). 2023
RecA07-01: Sales in local currency. 1986
RecA07-02: Facilities for remittances abroad. 1986
RecA13-03: Model clause project to prevent unfair competition practices. 1998
RecA14-12: Taxes and duties levied on air transport. 2000
RecA15-02: Harmonization of member States’ regulations on granting operating permits. 2002
RecA15-06: Electronic fare registration system. 2002
RecA15-10: Tax and duties levied on air transport. 2002
RecA16-02: Clause to introduce in bilateral air transport agreements to eliminate double taxation. 2004
RecA16-08: User Rights. 2004
RecA16-10: Model clause project on designation and authorization of airlines to be adopted by LACAC member States in their negotiations with european community member States. 2004
RecA16-12: Harmonization of provisions regarding the regional implementation of an electronic ticketing system. 2004
RecA17-04: Incorporation of standards in the procedures for aeronautical infractions of LACAC member States. 2006
RecA17-06: Comprehensive management of the overflight portfolio in LACAC member States. 2006
RecA17-08: Guidance for developing special aerial work projects in Latin America. 2006
RecA19-02: Use of Stop-Over. 2010
RecA19-04: Criteria and guidelines for preparing a negotiation. 2010
ResA19-08: General conditions pertaining to the marketing of air transport services. 2010
RecA20-06: Cargo transport with electronic documentation (elimination of paper from the air cargo supply chain). 2012
RecA21-04: Prompt ratification of various conventions and protocols. 2014
RecA22-06: User protection in air transport services – “Right of Withdrawal”. 2016
ResA19-1: Methodological guide for calculating the costs of airport and air navigation services in the region. 2010
ResA22-1: Factors to consider in airport concessions. 2016
ResA22-15: Survey on the monitoring of economic aspects, airport management, air navigation services, and airport concession processes. 2016
RecA14-18: Airport charges for passenger services. 2000
RecA19-6: Report on the monitoring of economic aspects, airport management, air navigation services, and airport concession processes. 2010
RecA14-16: Professional Training of the administrative staff of civil aviation. 2024
ResA20-07: Procedure guideline for the subscription of a memorandum of agreement about cooperation between the aeronautical authorities of ____________ and _____________ for double surveillance of the operating security related to the contracts of aircraft exchange. 2012
ResA20-15: Orientation guide for training and performance of inspectors of operations and airworthiness. 2012
ResA22-13: Orientation guide for the provision of assistance to victims of aviation accidents and their families. 2016
RecA16-04: Accession to the Agreement for the Implementation of the Regional System for the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme. 2004
RecA17-10: Agreement between the States about the establishment of an age limit for pilots. 2006
RecA20-09: Orientation guide for the elaboration of a continuous surveillance plan (annex 1, 6 y 8). 2012
ResA18-07: Political declaration and establishment of permanent practices of LACAC relevant to the protection of the environment. 2008
ResA21-07: Orientation guidelines about the environment and civil aviation in Latin America. 2014
ResA24-3: Guidance for regulatory development in the region to promote the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). 2022
RecA21-14: Guidelines about civil aviation and climate change. 2014
Declaration: Cartagena de Indias Declaration. (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). 2011
ResA10-04: Cooperation and mutual assistance in the prevention of the illicit drug trafficking by air through bilateral or multilateral negotiations on air transport. 1992
ResA16-05: Political action courses on the prevention of illicit drug and psychotropic substances trafficking. 2004
ResA19-05: Regional coordination and cooperation mechanism on FAL/AVSEC matters. 2010
ResA20-21: Manual for air transportation of passengers with disabilities. 2012
ResA22-09: Reference guide on “security program for air traffic service providers”. 2016
ResA23-03: Workshop on “Identification of individuals with suspicious behavior”. 2018
RecA10-02: Involvement of air traffic services in the prevention and control of illicit drug trafficking. 1992
RecA10-04: Legal and operational actions on illicit drug and psychotropic substances trafficking, precursors, essential chemical elements, and related crimes, using general aviation as a means. 1992
RecA10-09: Airport congestion – Need for coordination with competent authorities. 1992
RecA11-04: Educational program for preventing drug abuse for personnel directly and indirectly involved with civil aviation activities. 1994
RecA14-10: Facilitation measures at airports for passengers requiring special assistance. 2000
RecA16-06: Measures to prevent and control illicit drug trafficking in air transport. 2004
RecA20-02: Implementation of the FAL/AVSEC checklist in the region. 2012
RecA20-04: Air transport facilitation. 2012
RecA21-02: Guidance text on the organic regulations of the National Air Transport Facilitation Committee. 2014
RecA21-06: Model of National Cargo Security Program. 2014
RecA21-08: Reference framework for the acquisition, testing, and deployment of security equipment. 2014
RecA21-10: Certification of aviation security instructors. 2014
RecA22-02: Procedure for the screening of passengers and their carry-on baggage and list of prohibited items. 2016
RecA22-04: Guide for preparing a course on “identification of responsibilities regarding air transport facilitation”. 2016
RecA22-08: Method for securing cargo in transit. 2016
RecA22-10: Procedures for the implementation of the Single Security Control Program (OSS). 2016
RecA23-02: Implementation of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP). 2018
RecA23-06: Security management system (SeMS) program for airport security personnel performing control and inspection functions of persons, baggage, cargo, mail, and vehicles. 2018
RecA23-04: Standardization of aviation security system audit procedures.Downloadr
RecA12-01: Measures to coordinate the positions of CLAC States in the GREPECAS forums. 1996
RecA14-20: Measures to contribute to the updating and implementation of the CAR/SAM Regional Air Navigation Plan. 2000
ResA19-09: Procedure for “horizontal cooperation. 2010
ResA24-05: Preparation, coordination, and follow-up of CLAC in Assemblies, World Conferences, and other relevant ICAO meetings. 2022
ResA16-01: LACAC Declarations. 2004
ResA16-09: Implementation of the CLAC regulatory framework in member states and review of the status of LACAC decisions. 2004
ResAE02-01: Statute of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC). 2009
ResA19-13: Mechanisms to prevent delays in the payment of contribution fees. 2010
ResA20-13: Proration of LACAC’s direct expenses among member states and compliance with financial obligations. 2012
ResA22-17: Methods and Procedures for the drafting, enactment, repeal, and/or amendment of LACAC Decisions. 2016
ResAE04-01: Strategic Plan of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission 2020 – 2030. 2019
ResAE7-03: Procedure for the election of the LACAC Executive Committee. 2023
ResA22-11: Procedural guideline for the administrative management of LACAC personnel (amended in the VII Extraordinary Assembly). 2023
RecA08-06: Participation of experts from the Region in ICAO panels. 1988
RecA17-16: Coordination and communication mechanism between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC) and the group of Latin American and Caribbean representatives (GRULAC) before the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) council. 2006
RecA17-18: Improvement of communication between the Secretariat and member states (amended in the VII Extraordinary Assembly). 2023
Agreements subscribed with Organizations and/or States that are not members
LACAC has agreements subscribed with States that are not members and International Organizations through which seminars are held on site, scholarships are given, and work and/or studies are done.
Organismo / PaísOrganização / EstadoOrganization / State
ACAC (Arab Civil Aviation Commission): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Arab Civil Aviation Commission. 2000
ACS (Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC) and the Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS). 2008
AFCAC (African Civil Aviation Commission): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the African Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC). 2000
ASA (México): Memorándum de Entendimiento (MOU) entre la Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil y Aerouertos y Servicios Auxiliares (Just spanish version). 2012
ATD-EC (European Commission): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Air Transport Directorate of the European Commission. 2010
CAAC (China): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Civil Aviation Administration of the People´s Republic of China. 2011
CAAM (Malaysia): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia. 2023
CAAQ (Qatar): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Civil Aviation Authority of Qatar. 2022
CAAS (Singapore): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. 2022
COCESNA (Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and
and Corporación Centroamericana de Servicios de Navegación Aérea (COCESNA) (Just spanish version). 2007
DHS/TSA (United States of America): Memorandum of Cooperation between the Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration United States of America and the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission. 2013
EASA (European Union): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. 2023
ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the European Civil Aviation Conference. 1998
FAA (United States of America): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and Federal Aviation Administration Department of Transportation United States of America. 2011
GACA (Saudi Arabia): Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the General Authority of Civil Aviation of the Kindom of Saudi Arabia. 2024
GCAA (United Arab Emirates): Memorandum of Understanding between the General Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates and the Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil. 2010
Government of Malaysia (Malaysia): Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Malasya and the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission. 2015
IATA (International Air Transportation Association): Memorandum of Understanding between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and The International Air Transportation Association. 2007
MOLIT (Korea): Memorandum of Understanding between Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea. 2016
MOLIT-KAC (Korea): Memorandum of Understanding on the Free Support of an Aviation Master´s Degree Scholarship Program. 2019
Under the Memorandum of Understanding subscribed between LACAC and IATA that has as its objective developing studies about the economic contribution of air transport on the economy of the member States of LACAC, the following studies have been elaborated:
Agreement regarding the Regional System for the Monitoring of Operational Safety
Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the International Civil Aviation Organization to promote the establishment of a Regional safety Oversight System.
Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission and the International Civil Aviation Organization to promote the establishment of a Regional safety Oversight System 1998
Agreement for the Implementation of a Regional safety Oversight System
(Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru). 1998