

The Latin American Civil Aviation Commission, LACAC, is an international organization with a consultative character, and its conclusions, recommendations and resolutions will be subject to the approval of each one of the member States.

The primary objective of the Commission is to provide the civil aviation authorities of the member States an appropriate framework within which to discuss and plan all the required measures for cooperation and coordination of all their civil aviation activities.

LACAC is composed by an Assembly, an Executive Committee, and a Secretariat.

The Assembly composed of the representatives of the member States, shall meet in ordinary sessions at least once every two years.

The Executive Committee, composed of the President and Vicepresidents elected by the Assembly, shall administer, coordinate, and steer the work programme established by the Assembly, and may form Committees and Working Groups or Groups of Experts as required.

The Secretariat will be determined by the Executive Committee in accordance with the rules and directives specified by the Assembly.

LACAC fulfills a prominent rol in Latin America and the Caribbean as it generates a space for the discussion of technical, juridical, and political matters of civil aviation, where the democratic tradition of consensus is a priority, by respecting the sovereignity of all the different States.

Historical Overview

The first attempts to configure an organization that coordinates the Aeronautical Authorities of Latin America date back to the end of the 50s. After a long process of studies and deliberations, it was on 1973, during the Second Conference of Aeronautical Authorities of Latin America, that the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission was established for the purpose of collaborating fully in the solution of civil aviation problems.

The Provisional Secretariat headed by Colombia, with the support of the Regional Offices of the International Civil Aviation Organization from Peru (SAM) and Mexico(NACC) gathered the experience from previous years and elaborated a proposal that was distributed in the region.

Hence, in the Conference of Aeronautical Authorities of Latin America held between the 11th and the 14th of December of 1973 in Mexico, the proposal was analized and the Latin American Commission of Civil Aviation’s draft constitution was approved.

The first Commission Assembly was held in the city of Buenos Aires in August 1974. Till that date, 16 States had subscribed to LACAC’s statute, thus it became one of the international organizations for civil aviation with prime relevance in Latin America.

Only the States located in South America, Central America including Panama and Mexico and the States of the Caribbean, geographical area which for the purpose of this instrument is called Latin America, may become members of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission.

Mexico is the depository country of the Multilateral Treaty of LACAC’s Statute, and since the establishment of the organization, new members have been incorporating it. Currently, the Commission is composed by 22 States: Argentina, Aruba, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

LACAC closely coordinates their work with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with the purpose of avoiding overlapping. In 1978, both organizations subscribed to a Modus Vivendi Agreement which established the foundations for mutual colaboration. In accordance with this agreement, the Secretariat services that LACAC may require were provided by ICAO. The previous situation changed after ICAO requested the regional organizations to asume full responsability for their own financial matters. Therefore, in December 2005, a new Mutual Cooperation Agreement was singed between both organizations, where they established the current foundations of the colaboration relationship.

In 2004, there was a tendering process to choose the headquarters for the Commission’s Secretariat. Headquarters proposals were sent by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Venezuela. The tendering process finalized in 2005 with the election of Lima, Peru as the headquarters for LACAC’s Secretariat.

In 2006, the Secretariat Headquarters Agreement for the Latin American Commission of Civil Aviation (LACAC) and the Government of Peru was signed, which denotes that the Commission and its principal and subsidiary bodies are granted independence and freedom of action as the other international organizations and diplomatic missions accredited in Peru.

Starting in 2007, LACAC started its management and financial autonomy phase.

The financial matters are set under the Regional Project for Technical Cooperation scheme managed by the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau, an organization that is also in charge of the audit of the Project.

The Comission’s autonomy is portrayed in a strategic plan that is organized around macrotasks lead by the States focal points that conform LACAC’s Executive Committee, in addition to the State Presidency of the Executive Committee from the immediate previous period.

Depository State

The United Mexican States is the depositary State of the Multilateral Agreement that contemplates the establishment of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (December 14, 1973).

The Registration number for the Multilateral Treaty that establishes LACAC as an organization is 20170 and the volume number is 1241 of the United Nations (July 22, 1981).

Vision, Mission and Values


Be the reference for the efficient, sustainable, secure, organized, and harmonized development of regional and global air transport.


Promote the integration, cooperation, and coordination between the Latin American States in matters of air transport, air policy, airport management, capacity building, environment, facilitation, and aviation safety and security.

Institutional Values

  • Equality: LACAC’s member States are sovereign and have the same rights and obligations.
  • Integration: LACAC’s members internalize the importance and transcendence of an integrated region through harmonized processes and regulations in the sector of international air transport.
  • Responsability: Effectively and efficiently executing tasks set in different institutional bodies.
  • Ethics and transparency: Within the development of all the duties, acting with ethical principles and accountability attached to the best practices and global standards in the matter.
  • Tolerance and understanding: Tolerance and understanding are essential values for LACAC’s members, who should respect the internal policies of each State, pursuing the regional consensus in their decisions.
  • Commitment: High degree of identification and fulfillment of obligations obtained from the member States and LACAC’s personnel.
  • No discrimination: The member States representatives and LACAC’s officials should not make any arbitrary distinction due to any of the following motives: ethnic, religious, language, gender, opinion, culture, and sexual orientation.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, composed of the President and Vicepresidents elected by the Assembly, shall administer, coordinate, and steer the work programme established by the Assembly, and may form Committees and Working Groups or Groups of Experts as required.

Executive Committee 2024 – 2025:

Presidency: GUATEMALA

Director General | Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil – DGAC
9na Avenida 14-75 zona 13,
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
TEL: (502) 2321-5000 / 5402 FAX: (502) 22606633
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

First Vicepresidency: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

President | Junta de Aviación Civil – JAC
Calle José Joaquín Perez # 104, Casi esq. Santiago, Gazcue,
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Tel.: +1809 6894167 Fax: +1809 6894160
E-mail: [email protected]

Second Vicepresidency: CHILE

Director | Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil – DGAC
Av. Miguel Claro 1314, Providencia Apartado 3, Correo 9
Santiago de Chile, Chile
TEL: (56)2 2436-8136 / 2439-2501(02) FAX: (56)2 2439-2101
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Thinrd Vicepresidency: BRAZIL

President Director | Agencia Nacional de Aviación Civil – ANAC
Setor Comercial Sul – Qd 09 – Lote C Ed. Pq. Cidade Corporate – Torre A
Brasilia – DF – CEP: 70.308-200, Brasil
Tel.: +5521 35015147 / +5521 35015146 Fax: +5521 35015124
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Fourth Vicepresidency: COSTA RICA

General Director | Dirección General de Aviación Civil – DGAC
La Uruca, contiguo a Migración Apartado Postal 5026 – 1000
San José, Costa Rica
Tel: +506 22428003 / +506 22428004
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


The Commission’s Secretariat is organized by the Executive Committee in agreement with the norms and instructions given by the Assembly.



Nacionality: Chilean
LACAC’s Secretary (2019 – present)
Mr. Binder is a lawyer and Magister of Public Policy and Management of the University of Chile. He was an officer, for 16 years, in the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Chile where he exercised different positions, among them, the one of Counselor for the Civil Aeronautics Board, and then, after being selected through a public tendering, became the General Secretary of the same organization. Mr. Binder was a professor for Public Policy and Aeronautical Law in the University of Chile and University Adolfo Ibáñez.
After a public tendering, he was designated Secretary for the Latin American Commission of Civil Aviation, assuming the role on 2 January 2019.

Previous Secretaries


Nacionality: Ecuatorian
LACAC’s Secretary (1994 – 2018)
Farewell Message


Nacionality: Argentininian
LACAC’s Secretary (1986 – 1994)
Farewell Message


Nacionality: Argentininian
LACAC’s Secretary (1973 – 1985)
Farewell Message

Secretariat Organigram

Jaime Binder
[email protected]

Luís Nuñez
Management and Operations Assistant
[email protected]

Paola Bullon
International Relations & Training Assistant
[email protected]

Vivian Paucar
Executive Assistant to Senior Management
[email protected]

Iván La Cruz
Computer Systems and Data Analysis Assistant
[email protected]

Work Scheme

Printable version (download ↓), where the tasks of each macro-task are specified.


Office Hours / Location / Holidays

Office hours:

Mondays to friday 8:00 – 14:30 hrs.


Av. Víctor Andrés Belaúnde 147, Building Real Cuatro – 3° floor, San Isidro, Lima, Perú
Section 27032, Lima, PERÚ / (+51) 14226905, (+51) 14229367

Holidays 2025
