Visit of Mr. Miguel Gamarra from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

On Friday, March 31, the LACAC Secretariat received the visit of Mr. Miguel Ángel Gamarra Malca, Minister Counselor, Director of Air and Space Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru. On the occasion, opinions were exchanged on the upcoming celebration of the Commission’s 50th Anniversary, issues related to the LACAC Secretariat, among other … Read more

ALTA Conference on Fuels and the Environment

On March 29 and 30, the ALTA Conference on Fuels and the Environment was held at the headquarters of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), in San José, Costa Rica, where the Secretary of LACAC participated. The meeting addressed, among other issues, the legal frameworks to promote the development of sustainable aviation fuels … Read more

Executive Committee Special Meeting 2023

The Special Meeting of the Executive Committee was held on March 6, 2023, with the participation of 31 delegates representing 14 Member States. At this meeting, the extension of the contract of the LACAC Secretary, Mr. Jaime Binder, for a period of 4 years was unanimously ratified.

IATA Aeropolitical Affairs Meeting 2023

On March 1 and 2, 2023 in the city of Miami, the following meeting was held: “IATA Aeropolitical Affairs Meeting 2023”, in which Mr. Jaime Binder participated with the presentation; “Collaboration between LACAC and IATA”. In said meeting, issues of special interest for the development of commercial aviation in the coming years were addressed.