MOU: Temporary liberalization of the seventh freedom for exclusive cargo services

In the framework of the celebration of the VI Extraordinary Assembly of LACAC, ten member states of LACAC: Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela, signed the MOU that temporarily liberalizes transportation for exclusive cargo services in order to facilitate cargo transportation, especially vaccines against COVID-19. The subscription was made … Read more

VI Extraordinary Assembly

With the participation of 17 member states, the Sixth Extraordinary Assembly was held on December 14, 2020. Among the various issues presented, Resolution AE6-1 on ” Air Transport Consumer Protection” and Resolution AE6-3 “Balance Measures between Consumer Protection and the Financial Sustainability of Airlines during the Pandemic established by the WHO” were unanimously approved. Likewise, … Read more

XCIV Executive committee

On December 14, 2020, the Ninety-fourth Meeting of the Executive Committee was held virtually with the participation of 44 delegates representing 17 Member States. Among other matters, the Executive Committee approved two draft resolutions related to the rights of air transport consumers to be presented to the LACAC Assembly. It also acknowledged the drafts of … Read more

LACAC – CAAS High Level Round Table

The directors and / or representatives of the senior management of the Member States of LACAC met with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 in a virtual round table to discuss “Aviation Restart and Creating Resilience.” 50 delegates from 17 Member States participated in this meeting.