Multilateral Open Skies Agreement

Multilateral Open Skies Agreement for the Member States of LACAC

During the XIX Ordinary Assembly of LACAC in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in November 2010, the member States of LACAC were encouraged to adopt the Multilateral Open Skies Agreement, either immediately or gradually.

The objective and purpose of the agreement was to provide open skies to the member States of LACAC through the granting of traffic rights between those member States and other countries (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th freedom).

Furthermore, it is possible to increase the above-mentioned rights as it also contemplates the following to the States that determine it so: the seventh freedom for the services of exclusive cargo; the seventh freedom for the combined services of passengers and cargo; and the right to coasting, meaning the 8th and 9th freedom.

The depository of the Agreement is LACAC’s Secretariat in Lima, Peru. The agreement has been signed by 9 member States of LACAC and it is open for accession to other States.

Agreement Text

Multilateral Open Skies Agreement for the Member States of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, November 2010) Download here.

Signature and Accessions

Reserves artícle(s)
